Monday, February 22, 2010

Reynolds Hot Bags Discontinued I Loved The Reynolds Hot Bags For The Grill. Now I Can't Find Them Anywhere. Have They Been Discontinued?

I loved the Reynolds Hot Bags for the grill. Now I can't find them anywhere. Have they been discontinued? - reynolds hot bags discontinued

I live in Columbus, Ohio, everyone knows where I can find them?


  1. I sent the company a few months. Yes, they were arrested. I loved those bags. They are much better than plastic bags that they still have. Film stock is not the same. You can not cook at high temperatures and not so strong. Want to find.

  2. no idea, but you can) your own bags (as now.

    Take a piece of aluminum foil and place the ingredients in the middle. Pull together the long edges and roll into the food. Then wrap the edges of each other in the middle, and this hobo packets (he learned to like a brownie) do scout.
