Monday, January 25, 2010

Property Management Franchise How Come The Illinois Tollway Hired A Property Management Company To Lease The Oasis's?

How come the Illinois tollway hired a property management company to lease the oasis's? - property management franchise

As the company has hired a toll-free Illinois Property Management to manage the girls from the oasis, instead of processing the leases themselves? Please let me know, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Pay for play. For the campaign of blackmail Ryan. The policy is Illinois. Then Rezko and Blago are involved with the Underground Panda Express and Exxon Mobil. $ $ $ $ $. The phones are from the Nation of Islam lol maintained. A minority business clubs. One wonders why the voters hate politicians Downstate Chicago lol. What makes me the reason why we do not get money like Bush, his good old boys in Texas has? Give Obama time, I suppose.
